Friday, December 16, 2011


first professional haircut, she couldn't believe how still he was, not for long though, as soon as she was done he was back to his crazy self.  she also couldn't believe I was old enough to be married and have two kids!  I think she might need glasses!!

A night out

A delicious chinese meal and then some live music in an Irish pub with Kev's parents

Christmas things

Christmas Star at School Nativity play
Caleb pulling the tree apart at the sports centre while Maddie is having her swimming lessons

Miss Madeleine busy writing all her Christmas Cards

Monday, December 05, 2011

Santa Dash

Yesterday was quite an unexpected day, Kev was doing his Santa Dash in central Liverpool and the weather forecast was terrible.  I woke up at 5am to rain, hail and wind dreading the day ahead.    The weather was pretty bad for the race but there was something about 8000 people dressed as Santa running around the streets of Liverpool that made me smile.  Both the kids loved it and the rain didn't seem to dampen anyone's enthusiasm.  All the Christmas decorations and lights twinkled against the grey sky and the Christmas huts selling sweets, chocolates, candles, wreaths and decorations smelt lovely.  All of it just inspired me and made me feel so happy and festive.
the blue santa's are Everton fans who refuse to wear Red!

But probably my happiest moment was watching my two little children walking hand and hand through the puddles amonst all the Christmas shoppers both just soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying the adventure of the day.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Christmas Countdown

Before Caleb pushed a chair up to it and pulled all the candy canes out